Wednesday 18 May 2022


The Transitions Of Writing


    What do you think about your childhood?. Playing traditional games with your friends from morning to dewfall or you keep on your games until your mother called you to comeback home?. Or are you fall in love at the first sight with someone make your weird heart?.  There are many things that you remind about ‘childhood’.

    According to in 2021, there are 34.5% young people and children enjoy while they writing. The children and young people agreeing writing make them feel better. In another words, Writing as a support system for children and young people mental wellbeing.

     When I was a young age, especially in elementary school. I don’t remember that grade, but I had a diary book. That diary comes from my friends, they give a diary as a birthday gift. Early, I wrote many words in there. One day, I could write more than 2 pages. The writing that I write is about my activity in that day. As time goes by, I rarely write my activity in my diary. I just write in different book that I had. When I was felt sad and had unhappy moment, I will write in that book (no longer in diary).

    In 2016, when I was 14 years old. In junior high school, I’m writing so many words in post of facebook. It contains quotes, greeting (e.g. good morning, friends. Don’t forget to eat, pray, etc..), Advertisement of event or anything about that. Because I have been a member of Student council. I’m one of person that active in social media. It happens because I’m still young, especially young age.

    After graduating from junior high school, I continuing my study in Vacational high school. Specifically major in electrical engineering. Although I learned a lot of electrical theory and a lot of practice. Also, I studying another lesson. Including Indonesia language lesson taught me how to writing ‘makalah’ very well. I and my friends in our groups working hard to done it. We rewrite many theoris. Finally, because of working hard we had been finish it. On the other hand, I had writing task one of them is making ‘field practice report’. The writing is not about theory that I have been learned before, but what I learn and do in that company. During do that writing report, I learn a lot of how to way work together and work well.

    In the university, I’m learning technique of writing. Mostly in writing lessons. There are many theories how to write as a professional.  As Janet Mizrahi said in his book “Writing for the workplace” there are 3 ways to writing as a process, that’s is: AWE (Assess, Write, and Edit). Assess is knowing the audience is imperative for successful writing. In asses is completing audiences characteristic. Write is including information from you gathered. Avoid plagiarism with adding sources or references in your writing. The last is Edit, Edit is looking at the overall effectiveness of each paragraph.

    Now, when I’m starting to write something I had in my mind, I will write soon. Because of I will forget if I have not do that. Indeed, writing is a good way to share the problems. If we don’t have any people to share that story, you can share on writing at all of media, manual writing on the book or digital writing in notebook. Writing is not about write words that you want. But, also you can searching a lot of data and fact that attached with your written. It will be a nice written. The readers also can easily to read and understanding the meaning of the words.

    Those are my transitions in writing. It was hardly, but step by step I learned a lot of way to good at writing. I think my writing good enough to read and for the meaning I hope it will be easy to understanding. I hope my experiences in writing will help and be inspired you guys to write what you want. Then, in the future I hope I can write continuously.


Janet Mizrahi (2015), Writing For The Workplace. Business Communication For Professionals. Business Expert Press.


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